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Rae-Yuping Hsu

20 - 23 October 2017

My work explores the ways in which the body and technology come into contact with one another and are incorporated, integrated, fused and reciprocal. Interfaces between body and technology operate in dynamic tension with the body, we tend to speak of technologies as things we take in, and forget that we are as much in the prosthesis as it is in us.


Recent developments of neuroprosthesis directly taps into the body’s nervous system, and the body reciprocally extends into the device, producing a system that is inter-constitutive beyond the interface between body and prosthetic part; the body is radically and deeply reorganized. We incorporate devices into our bodies, the word incorporate literally means “bring within a body” and seems to imply an absorptive process in one direction, when it is actually always a conversation between the body, the technology and the world. When contemplating human machine interfaces my mind always comes back to Jean Baudrillard’s frenzied warning of technology: …everybody is now nothing but an invariant reproduction of the prosthesis: this point means the end of the body, the end of its history, the end of its vicissitudes. It means that the individual is now nothing but a cancerous metastasis of his basic formula.


It is a terrifying thought, to have one’s being reduced to a cancerous metastasis of one’s essence, but throughout our long history with technology (beginning from the first instances of reshaping a rock into a spear) we have learned that the body, its histories, and its mutability have not become fixed by technology, to deny that is to be ignorant of all the ways that the body can and do take up various forms of technology. Informed by these general concerns that arise around the confluence of the human and technology, I am much more interested in the degree of agency that the assistive technology allows its user, the intimacy and vulnerability of body-machine unions and questions that arises out of it. Where does theboundary lie between the person and the prosthesis? Where does one stop and the otherbegin? How do we understand our place and placement in a multiplicity of approaches to ever changing conditions of borders and bordering?


我們習慣單向的思考我們與我們所使用的東西之間的關係,忽略了那其實是身體、科技、與外界三方之間的不斷地對話所形成的關係。使用者與物件建立關係後物件延伸身體的感官能力,化為感知世界的介面。在思考人機界面時我總是會想到布希亞在The Transparency of Evil中對科技的警言「..當眾⼈人已成為義體的產物,那將代表身體的衰亡,身體的歷史與各種面向將結束。那代表個體只是⾃己基礎公式的癌細胞轉移擴散。」

雖然聽起來驚悚,但反觀人類與科技之間的長遠歷史(從我們將石頭磨成茅的第⼀時間開始) 我們知道身體,它的歷史與可塑性並沒有被科技定奪,身體可以也已經承受各種科技。我想由⼈機合體這項親密且脆弱的關係探詢人與機之間的界線在哪裡?  我們該如何理解自己在不斷變化的邊界中的定位?

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+886.6.2526121   704 臺南市北區民德路90巷50號
No 50, Ln 90, Minde Rd., North Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan

opening hours : 13:00-18:00, Wednesdays to Saturdays

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